Any device, any place, anytime...
For nearly two decades Niagara products have stood for quality and reliability. Niagara Video is the next generation of the ViewCast Inc., a streaming market trail blazer and innovator. Some of the world’s largest and most respected broadcasters, network solutions providers and content delivery networks rely on Niagara Video products everyday to deliver high quality audio and video streams to millions of viewers all around the world..
Origin of Niagara Video
Our company was formed when it was spun off from ViewCast. Niagara Video and Osprey Video, now separate companies with separate and different ownership, are the next generation of the ViewCast product families.
The products and soutions of Niagara Video have been providing streaming and video transport capabilities for nearly two decades and have many satisfied customers around the world.
Performance Metrics
Niagara Video is a market leader for delivering solutions that excel in the following areas: Cost Effectiveness, Versatile Outputs, Video Quality, Ease of Use, Product Reliability and Customer Support.
Our company serves many market segments with our video solutions. We serve the obvious ones and the not so obvious ones. In this day in age where streaming video is more and more prevalent increasing numbers of companies and organizations are streaming video. Niagara Video has been streaming since the beginning! We are here for you and can share decades worth of knowledge & experience with you..
Some of the main market segments we provide solutions for are below.
Broadcast, News & Sports
Customers in this space were some of our first customers! They are demanding and need the best. Our customers have made us better and driven us to provide some of the best video tools on the market.
Enterprise & Corporate
Customers in this segment are some of our best customers. Our clients in the corporate space demand cost effective solutions …and we give them what they want. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be here!
Government & Education
Users in the public space require reliability. These organizations don’t get to purchase often, when they do …it needs to count. Our robust portables or COTS server based solutions are just what they are looking for.
House of Worship & Religious
Users in this space are typically on a budget …and require ease of use. Our solutions can easily be operated by non professional & layman video operators. We have options for all user’s technical capabilities.
When it comes to streaming video or providing video transport for video we have solutions. Let’s talk about what your organization needs to achieve.
Backhaul & Contribution
If your organization needs to backhaul video to a NOC or another location we have several good solutions to offer.
First Mile Encoding
Need to get your video to a CDN publishing or straight on the Internet? We can help.
Internet / OTT Streaming
Whether you need to stream 100’s of channels or just 1 OTT or on the Internet we have a variety of options for you.
Low Latency
Does your video require low latency? News, sports, interviews … we can help you with that.
Live Events
Have a live event that you need reliable, robust, feature rich and cost effective streaming for? Two words, Niagara Video.
We have excellent Public, Education and Government Access solutions. We have been deployed widely for AT&T U-Verse.
Our Customers
Niagara Video customers include some of the most notable companies and organizations working with video. Because Niagara products have been out since the beginning of streaming we have an All Star customer list … all of whom have made us better.
If you join our list of customers, you will be in GOOD COMPANY.